Big Darby Accord
The Town Center Master Plan is an implementation initiative of the Big Darby Accord, the multijurisdictional watershed master plan adopted in 2006. Undertaken by four jurisdictions (Brown and Prairie townships, Franklin County, and the City of Columbus), the Town Center Master Plan establishes a more specific vision for development of the Town Center and provides detailed recommendations, including level of development, infrastructure requirements, design guidelines, phasing, and implementation.
The proposed Town Center straddles Brown and Prairie townships in unincorporated Franklin County. For more information on the Town Center Master Plan or the public review process, please contact Franklin County Planning Administrator Lee Brown at
Spring 2010 Update
The Big Darby Accord Town Center Master Plan consultants visited central Ohio in late January 2010 for a series of public meetings, stakeholder interviews, and a multi-day design workshop. The design workshop represented the halfway point in the Town Center master planning process and was intended to not only generate ideas but to generate reactions. The consultant team’s intent is to fully understand the response to the ideas in order to develop a coherent and plausible way forward.
The results of the design workshop, unveiled at a public meeting on January 28, 2010, included a mixed-use village centered around Broad Street with a minimum of about 3500 units of housing, 300,000 square feet of retail, 360,000 square feet of office, and a 100-room hotel. The program reflects the current and forecasted market trend for the area, assuming a high quality design concept.
Please click here to view a full sized version of the master plan sketch developed out of the design workshop.
The next step is the release of a draft Town Center Master Plan in early April, 2010. Check back here often for updates on public meetings and other review opportunities.
2007 Report
View the report in PDF format or stop by the township office for a printed copy!
What Is The Big Darby Accord?

The Big Darby Accord is a cooperative planning effort among Brown Township, Columbus, Franklin County, Grove City, Harrisburg, Hilliard, Norwich Township, Pleasant Township, Prairie Township, and Washington Township. These communities are working together to develop and implement a plan for the Franklin County portion of the Big Darby Watershed.
The project consultant team began work in April 2005. They have meet with stakeholders, gathered and analyzed data, reviewed existing studies and plans for the watershed, and developed in-depth mapping.
A draft of preliminary principles was released, along with an updated land use scenario for the planning area in June 2007.
A website has been established for the project. As development occurs in the planning area, plans, maps, staff reports, and other information are added to the site. The website also allows for submission of comments, questions and contact information by anyone interested in the Big Darby Accord process. It is located at:
A phone line has also been established at 462-5629 for those who do not have web access.